Training centre for resilient resistance

We create and organise trainings to create more resilient and inclusive groups, movements and individuals. Two or three more sentences here would be helpful. More text here would be good.

Our Story

Feros (feroce) is a French word, meaning wild, feral, fierce, untamed, undomesticated. Within it you can find the French word iron (fer), the Latin verb to carry/to bring (fer) and the Greek word love (eros). We’d like it to evoke the image of a smithy, where our passion for justice and love (eros) forges our old ideas, behaviors and habits into new forms that can bring us closer to our values and ideals.

Do you dare to change? Not just in the world around you, in the systems that uphold injustice and destruction, but also in yourself? Do you dare to take action? Do you dare to express your passion, not just in your personal life, but by fighting for justice?

Do you dare to change?

Not just in the world around you, in the systems that uphold injustice, but also in yourself?


Due to the current pandemic most of our trainings are organised online

The trainings

 The main thread of our trainings weaves together different aspects of what you might call “sustainable activism”. We organise both longer courses looking at different aspects within the course of one training event or shorter courses that focus on one aspect, for example emotional resilience or resilient organising. We also organise trainings around specific topics or methodologies, such as white allyship, self-defence, Theatre of the Oppressed or the Work that Reconnects. 

Experiental learning


As activists / campaigners / social workers, we face enormous challenges. Our concern for the state of the world combined with oppression, violence, conflicts in our groups and prolonged exposure to high levels of stress can undermine our ability to continue working on social change.

Feros offers a temporary, safer space – a moment to pause, reflect and restore. We offer support on request. You are welcome to stay with us in our house, in our yurt or in a tent in the garden (when there is no training). You are welcome to join us for dinner, work in the garden or just take time for yourself and do whatever you need. This time and space is only for you.

Time for you

Nature, silence, time for yourself

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Upcoming workshops

You can read about our next few workshops below or check out our calender to the left

Queer Inclusivity

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Feminist approaches to masculinities

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Social Rainbow

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